Geology of Durness

Note that the Durness Group sequence has been simplified in this map. Numerous faults are present throughout which displace these sequences in reality. This also applies to the Eriboll Sandstone which can be broken down into the Basal Quartzite and Pipe Rock members. The diagram shows more detailed features / rough depths of the carbonates and represents what the sequence should look like in unfaulted regions (this is the stratigraphy one would be standing on top of at the village square in Durine).
The Durness Group consists of seven formations: GDH (Ghrudaidh), ED (Eilean Dubh), SMH (Sailmhor), SGM (Sangomore), BLK (Balnakeil), Croispol (CPL) and DUR (Durine). The lowermost Ghrudaidh Formation is not found in Durness itself, but is present in the Grudie area at the southern end of the Kyle of Durness where the unit takes it's name from. It is also worth noting that although the Durness Group extends from here down to Skye, Durness is the only place in the northwest Highlands where the entire sequence can be found.
Between the Eriboll sandstones and the Durness Group are two thin units known as the 'Fucoid Beds' and the 'Salterella Grit'. These units are poorly exposed at Durness but small outcrops may be found close to the Keoldale turn off from the main road south.