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Durness Parish Accounts 1765 - 1814

References to Parish school and schoolmaster

As in the CONTRA or expenditure column unless otherwise stated



By freight for the school timber given to John Mackay in Borley £060




By cash to George Macallister Wright for a door to the Schoolhouse £036


By cash to the smith for bands to the schoolhouse door, and a lock for do.

£01 6



June 17

By Donald Munro, schoolmaster          £110


By Donald Munro, schoolmaster            £080


By paid the schoolmaster as per a particular acct as in the charge   £2911 By paid John MacKay in Borly for the schoolmr's board for 10 months 273 Nov 8£

By cash pr receipt to Donald Munro, schoolmaster         £190

By do. to do. in full of salary from Whity. 1767 to do. 1768 £249



Jan 30

(In CASH or income column)Jo received by Mr. Munro, of salary, quarter pay,

marriages and baptisms, as a particular acct dated 22Aug 1768      2911

(In CASH or income column) To received by Mr. Munro, schoolmaster, as per a particular account dated 16 Nov 1768       £0 5 1

(In CASH or income column) To the schoolmaster's salary from Whitsunday 1767

to ditto 1769                             £511 11/4


June 28

By the schoolmaster's fee as precenter and session clerk from Whit 1768 to do.

1769                                        £1 134



June 15

(In CASH or income column) To Alexr Cormack's Bill, per a particular accot from

Donald Munro, late schoolmaster                £2 2 11%

(In CASH or income column) To the session due by sundries per accot., and

certificate from said Donald Munro, schoolmaster £2 181

June 20


By cash pd. in accot. by Mr. Gordon to D. Munro, schoolmr. pr. his receipt and our

letter to Mr. Gordon of the 13th curt.        £3811

Dec 30

By the people of Westmoin, their one third share of interest on Lord Reay's bond from 30 Dec 1766 to this date, £3:16:8, but reclaim 18s. 4d for so much due by them to D.M., late schoolmaster, the balance including a drat, on Hector Munro, is




By sundries per list and certificate of 15th June 1770 from Donald Munro,
schoolmaster, due to the session                                                                          £2181



By paid for a skylight to the schoolhouse           £0 1 8




By the schoolmaster for baptism due by the session      £006




By John Bain for mending the schoolhouse              £010

By paid Angus Roy and William Munro for thatching the schoolhouse     £020



Dec 16

(In CASH or income column) To key of the old schoolhouse lock     £002



Aug 16

By cash paid to the parish schoolmaster for Marts 1780 to do. 1781, as p.

agreement with the Session                        £100

By cash pd. Angus MacKay, late Miller, his dft. In favour of James Craig for timber

of bridge                                           £029

(probably the school bridge)



Aug 16

By cash pd. James Craig, schoolmaster in full of his demands on the Session from

Marts. 1781 to do. 1783                        £2130




By pd. Murdoch Machustian for repairing the bridge at ye school     £0 1 0

By do. to Angus MacLeod for snake and key to the school door£0 1 0



By pd. Murdo. MacDonald, school mr. gratuity p. agreement                                                                                £1 8

By pd. to Murdo. Machustian for bridge                           £012



Balce. Of a/c for school furniture pd. Mr. Anderson per consent of Session

£0101 (Anderson of Rispond)



June 9

By cash to Andrew McPherson for repairing the schoolhouse bridge £070



(In CASH or income column) To collections from 20th July 1794 to 30th August 1795, including 29s 1%d for repairs of the schoolhouse


By repairs of the schoolhouse per particular account




By paid for repairing schoolbridge



Paid Mr. J. Simpson, late schoolmaster, an arrearto him of      £100



Paid Jas Low for bridges (James Low Merchant)

£1 100


By given to Mr. John MacDonald, late schoolmaster (MacDonald's Journal)



By paid for repairing the schoolhouse bridge




Accounts signed by William Ross, Schoolmaster (among others) William Ross also received payment being for being one of two presentors -10s each and he also got £7for being session clerk.



Same payment again, but this time By schoolmaster's fees as sess. clk.£1 0 0

Ceud mile failte gu Diuranais  

Highlands of Scotland  

 A hundred thousand welcomes to Durness

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